Primary Chalkboard: Paper Craftiness For December

Paper Craftiness For December

Aloha friends, it's Corinna from Surfin' Through Second.  

I am posting some fun and easy paper crafts for your kiddos for the month of December.  I do these every year and my students always enjoy making these simple crafts.

The first is a construction paper stocking.  I often have students who do not celebrate Christmas, so I make a winter stocking.

 I use cool colored construction paper and make several stocking templates that have
holes punched around them.
 Fold a 12x18 piece in half and have your students trace their stocking.
 Once they cut it out, have them hole punch the two sides together.
 Then give them a piece of yarn to sew their pieces together.
 Students then use 3-4 cotton balls for the fur.  Just pull them apart slightly 
so they don't look so round.
 Then I write their name in cursive with glue and let them glitter it up.

 They really love making these!  Just make sure for your younger crew
to add a piece of masking tape at the end of the yarn so it doesn't unravel.

Click {HERE} for the stocking template.

 This is another fun and easy craft.
 Draw diagonal lines with markers on a 8.5 x 11 piece of Xerox paper.
 Rolle it up tight and then fold it over on the top.  You can make lots of different
colors.  Once your students make one they will want to make more!
They can put their candy canes right in their stockings or use them to decorate.

If you are looking for something  more challenging you 
can always have your students Elf themselves.

This is a bit more complicated, but makes a super cute ornament.  Just click
on the picture to grab this freebie template.

I hope these crafts will help keep your little elves busy and happy during this month!!



  1. I love the simplicity of the crafts:) I have done the stockings on and off over the years and it always amazes me how many first graders have a hard time lacing the stockings! They need fine motor practice The candy canes are CLEVER! This is going to be in my party center rotations:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  2. Looks like fun, thanks for sharing!!!


  3. Oh, for cuteness sakes!!! We will be having a candy cane making frenzy at my house!!! My five year will lovvve it!!!

  4. Those are the most clever candy canes we've ever seen! Agree with Lisa above~ but our 9 year olds will love them too! We will have to give these a go with our Firsties! So stinkin cute!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  5. What an adorable stocking!! Will have to remember to do that for next year and a great fine motor skill to practice!
