Primary Chalkboard: Why I Love Authentic Performance Tasks

Why I Love Authentic Performance Tasks

Hey everyone! It's Heather from 2 Brainy Apples, and I am so excited to be blogging on PC today! I wanted to share with you all one of my favorite activities to do in my classroom ---> authentic performance tasks. I think sometimes the idea of performance tasks can get a little cloudy, so I wrote an entire blog post about why I love them, what they are, example ideas, and example photos.

I love using the GRASPS model, and I include a link to a helpful site if you are interested in using it, too. In short, the G is for goal for the student, R is the role of the student, A is the audience of the student, S is the scenario that is real world, P is the product or performance the student will create or product, and S is the scoring rubric you give to students before hand so they know your expectations.

Here are a couple of pics from one of my performance tasks so you can get an idea of how unique the products are, and you can imagine how engaged students were! Same performance task. Totally different outcome. Want to know what their task was? Head on over to my blog post! These are great for allowing students to express their creativity and get away from mindless worksheets ---> "Worksheets don't grow dendrites." -Marcia Tate. One of my favorite sayings!

I hope you will hop on over to my blog and share some of your ideas and thoughts!



  1. I used GRASP for my brother’s activity too! When I gave him the score rubric, he actually tried to go subpar. Plus, I’ve designed charts of different ways of setting the scores for him. It’s easy, being that I’m an accounting student who has no hassles of compositions, thanks to Accounting Dissertation Topics by top scholars. I’m thinking of making a list for his scores.

  2. I remember when I was a schoolboy I was using GRASP for my activities I had to enjoy these. now I'm a medical student I get helps in my doctoral dissertation from Best Dissertation Writing Service. but nowadays I miss the days GRASP too that was the best days of my life with GRASP.

  3. Creative task are really interesting for all students and such task can said a lot about each student, even judging by the approach some specific student carry out some creative project. Personally, I can named myself as the creative person and probably because of that I have chosen to study at journalist faculty, where all academic papers are really creative one for example writing an interview paper is the most interesting task for me and guess for all students of mine future profession. Sometimes when I do not have time to my academic task even to those one which I like the most I address to writing helper in all hoem aasignments.

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  5. Performance tasks is the perfect idea! I am going to write my discussion board post about such activities, I think it will be very interesting.

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